Classic Mac Gaming Shelf – Pictures below

Friday, February 1st, 2013 by macpast

I’ve been playing video games since I can remember. Nintendo, Genesis, and Apple Macintosh. I’d like to think I was the only 2nd Grader on the planet that pre ordered the original Quake. I’ve been a frustrated faithful for a long time. There were the painful moments like not being able to compete with friends in Red Alert matches, waiting for a Half-life & CS Max OS release in vain, and being told the only good games I could play came from Blizzard. Through the frustration came the moments of discovery and wonder; meeting up with friends I met gaming online with GameRanger (, appreciating classics no one I knew cared about like Fallout and Marathon and Myth and speaking of bungie – celebrating like it was my birthday when Halo was released finally, for Mac. Nowadays with dual booting, Steam and overall an acceptable amount of game support, there’s not much for a mac gamer to whine about.

But this shelve always reminds me of what it was like, and where I came from as a gamer. Here’s some shots of an self filled with mac gaming, past & present, that encompass that frustration and that discovery as well.

I once had the epiphany that explained to me how diehard New Jersey Nets actually existed. It was just like being a loyal Mac gamer in the nineties. Maybe the move to Brooklyn will be their Intel chipset.



2 comments on “Classic Mac Gaming Shelf – Pictures below

  1. What a gold mine of classic gaming, wow. My favorite Mac based games, as I was mostly console, were Lemmings, Myst and all the Sim City shananigans I could get my hands on. My favorite was actually Sim Ant, which I would love to find a way to get my hands on. I can still see the jewel case in my mind.

  2. macpast says:

    Thanks! I still remember playing the SimAnt demo. Glad to have some shared mac gaming memories!

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